
Eastern Pediatrics provides up-to-date care for newborn through adolescence with state-of-the-art services for illness, minor injuries, and preventative and well care services. Our facility provides separate sick and well waiting rooms to help keep our well children healthy. Our providers work hand in hand with parents to achieve the best possible health and development for their children.

Newborn Care

We are happy that you have chosen to come and grow with us at Eastern Pediatrics. Our providers work hand-in-hand with parents to achieve the best possible health and development for your new baby.

The following is helpful information, but is not a complete care guide. When in doubt, you should refer any questions to your child’s provider.

  • Always use a car safety seat for your baby!
  • Never give your baby any medication without first speaking with your provider!
  • Never shake your baby!
  • Never use Q-Tips inside the ear canal at any age!

Please call our office for any of the following:

  • Fever: Do not give your baby Tylenol or any fever reducer. Infants less than 3 months old will need to be seen for a fever of 100.4 °F or higher.
  • Vomiting: Babies may spit up some milk with a burp or immediately following a feeding and this is normal. If your baby is vomiting forcefully, vomiting after every feeding, or vomiting greenish fluid, please call our office.
  • Diarrhea: This occurs when stools or bowel movements are more frequent and more loose than normal. Babies can lose weight if they are having diarrhea, so if you feel that your baby is having diarrhea, please call our office. (See “Stooling” further down this page for a description of normal stools)
  • Irritability: This is when your baby is crying more than normal and you have done all of the usual things that normally calm him down. An irritable infant does not act the same as usual. Colic, crying for feedings, crying for a diaper change are all very common, and are not considered irritability. If you feel your infant is irritable, especially if he is not feeling well, please give us a call.
  • Lethargy: This is when your baby sleeps excessively and is asleep times when he would normally be awake, and has slept through 2 feedings in a row. Some infants require more sleep than others, but if your baby is sleeping more than normal and has slept through 2 or more feedings, please call our office.
  • Feeding: Feeding is one of your baby’s first pleasant experiences and it should be one of comfort, love, attention, and warm physical contact. Breast milk is the best and most natural food for your baby. If you are breast-feeding, the first 2 weeks are the most difficult. If you need help, please call our office. Don’t give up! The nurses at the hospital have a great deal of experience and can be very helpful to you also.
  • Umbilical Cord Care: Try to keep your baby’s umbilical cord as dry as possible and it should fall off in 1 to 3 weeks. Do not give your baby a tub bath until it has fallen off. Clean around the cord with alcohol on a cotton swab 2 times a day to keep it clean and dry. Please call our office if you notice any bleeding, drainage, or pus around the cord.
  • Circumcision Care: Your son’s circumcision will heal in approximately 4 days. You may notice a small amount of spot bleeding on the diaper, but this should be no larger than a quarter. Once the circumcision is well healed, if there is any remaining skin coming over the top of the penis, it should be gently pulled back and cleaned with each bath. If your son is uncircumcised, the foreskin should not be pulled back.
  • Vaginal Discharge: Little girls may have a mucous vaginal discharge for several days and occasionally some spot bleeding. This is normal and is caused by the withdrawal of mom’s female hormones.
  • Skin Care: Use plain water or mild baby soap. Do not give tub bath until the umbilical cord has completely fallen off. Babies do not need lotions, powders or oils, but if you use them, please stop if the baby’s skin appears irritated.
  • Stooling: Babies have different patterns of stooling. Breast fed babies have stools that are slimy yellow or green and this is normal, and they may have stools after every feeding. Some babies have pasty, yellow, cottage cheese-like stool, and this is also normal. Some babies grunt and strain, and turn red in the face to have a bowel movement and this is also normal. Some babies have a stool after every feeding and some babies may only have them daily, or once a week. Any of these patterns can be normal as long as the stool is soft. If your baby has hard stools, please call our office.
  • Urination: Your newborn may urinate only once in the first 24 hours, but by day 6 urinating 6 to 10 times per day is common. Early urine may be orange or pink colored and usually gets lighter as the days go by. This early color is caused by urate crystals and you may actually see some crystals, but this is normal. Your baby should have a minimum of 2 to 3 wet diapers in a 24 hour period. Please call our office if your baby does not urinate 2 to 3 times in a 24 hour period or if your baby’s urine contains bright red color.
  • Sleeping Position: The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that all infants sleep on their back. This is to reduce the chance of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS or crib death).
  • Smoking: You should not allow your baby around people smoking, especially in the house or car. Babies in homes where smoking is allowed have an increased chance of crib death, as well as an increased number of colds, ear infections, and wheezing.

Enjoy your baby!

Hold, talk and read aloud to your new baby. Babies need love and attention and you cannot “spoil” them by holding, cuddling, and paying attention to them. Studies have shown that babies who are held more are actually more secure when they are older. Reading aloud to your baby makes it easier for them to learn to read and helps them to be more successful in life.

Well-child Care

What to expect

At these visits your child’s provider will assess their growth and development. These appointments are generally of a longer duration to allow you time to discuss your child’s physical and mental development, nutritional needs, recommended preventative care (such as vaccinations against certain illnesses), and questions or concerns you may have regarding your child. For well-child care visits, we follow the screening schedule recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and Bright Futures. We follow the immunization schedule recommended by the AAP.

Will I need to complete any forms?

For children 2 months through 5 years of age a developmental questionnaire called the Ages and Stages Questionnaire is recommended to be completed. These forms can require more time to complete than standard medical forms (especially as the child gets older). A few questions require the child to perform tasks and answer questions and, as we all know, children may not be fully cooperative at the moment we need them to be; therefore, if possible the forms are best completed in the days prior to the appointment. Our staff can email the appropriate form to you upon request. If you choose to complete the form on the day of your appointment, we recommend you arrive 30 minutes prior to your appointment in order to complete the form.

What if I have a form that needs to be completed?

If there are any forms that will need to be completed by the physician for your child, such as school physical or camp physical forms, please bring those forms with you to the appointment.

Sick-child Care

We are available to you 24 hours a day.  Please call one of our providers after hours for URGENT matters only.  All other routine matters, prescription refills, and scheduling appointments should be done during regular business hours Monday through Friday.

We provide same-day scheduled appointment options each day Monday through Friday with extended office hours on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday to meet all of our patient needs. We always strive to do our very best to accommodate your sick child.

Please call our office at 252-561-7777 during regular office hours or after hours to make an appointment.

Asthma Care

If your child has been diagnosed with asthma, they need to have follow up appointments by our providers every 3 and 6 months. We want to achieve and maintain asthma control and help our patients learn self-management skills along with environmental factors for long term management. Please call and make an appointment with us today.

Instructions for Spacer Devices

Instructions for Inhaled Corticosteroids

Other Services

We offer many services such as ADHD evaluation and management, asthma evaluation and management, circumcisions for newborns through 2 months of age or up to eleven pounds, obesity evaluation and referral, minor laceration repair, and complimentary prenatal visits.

Dental Varnish: Healthy gums and teeth are important to your child’s overall health. Our doctors may recommend your child receive fluoride varnish treatments in our office to prevent tooth decay because many young children cannot see a dentist until they are older.

Depression Screening: We care about our patients’ mental health just as much as their physical health. If you are concerned about your child’s mood, ask your provider about our depression screening services.

Behavioral Services Partnership with Tidal Integrated Health Services: Dr. Rachel Kininger is a licensed psychologist who is specially trained in behavioral pediatrics. With the future of your child in mind, clear goals are defined to improve your children’s problem-solving skills, coping mechanisms, and any behavioral needs.

Ear Piercing Services: Eastern Pediatrics is now offering ear piercings for our patients starting at 6 months of age. We are using medical grade titanium hypoallergenic earrings. The earrings are in a sterile, encapsulated tamper resistant package with a safety back to guard against any potential contaminants prior to piercing.


For your protection we have separate well and sick waiting rooms. We also offer pagers if you prefer to wait in the car.